Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
And 16 others…
Project updates – what’s happening in the different projects
ACA-Py RC release out1.1.1rc0 release out.
The final will be called 1.1.2 when it is released – a mistake in creating the RC requires we bump the version again.
Progress is being made on DID Registration.
Information about the Architecture SIG
FYI Architecture SIG looking at plans going forward which may be of interest to Wallet Interoperability SIG
https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/architecture-sig/discussions/71 Cloud Based Wallets, Agents and Cloud attached Storage (edited)
Independent Certification and Testing for interoperability and security https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/architecture-sig/discussions/72
Portability and Interoperability across ecosystems https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/architecture-sig/discussions/73
VC Batch Issuance: Unlinkability with ZKPs – Pros and Cons
Presentation: VC Batch Issuance – https://bit.ly/wi-vcbi
Open Discussions