Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript
This meeting is being recorded and may be posted you the OWF YouTube.
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Change in time for this meeting starting today – now Mondays at 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Except for the next two weeks, where it will be at 16:00 Central Europe because of time changes
Char Howland
Stephen Curran
Sam Curran
Harm Jan Arendshorst
Sean Bohan
Micah Peltier
Sai Ranjit
Colton Wolkins
Project updates – what’s happening in:
Close on deprecation of AIP 1.0 issue credential and present proof protocols- moving those into plugisn
Once completed, new ACA_py release
Logging updates
did:webvh - using ACA-Py to run through a full AnonCreds VC exchange - issue, present, revoke, verification of revocation
did:webvh support in progress
did:webvh support in progress
New PRs in OWL Akrida support API 2.0 and AnonCreds with did:webvh
Accepted into OWF
Repo transition soon
Presentation/Discussion: DID WebVH - Stephen Curran – Slides
Open Discussions
DICE (Mar 4-5 Geneva)
Who is going? Let’s coordinate on Discord in the #dice-planning channel on the OWF DiscordIIW (April 8-10 Mountain View)
Who is going? Let’s coordinate on Discord in the #iiw-planning channel on the OWF Discord
Got news? newsletter@openwallet.foundation
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