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Agenda: DIDs and their use with SD-JWTs |
Call Time:
“A” Week – 7am PT |
10am ET |
4pm CET
Zoom Link:
“A” Week – when call is at 7AM: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/92188183208?password=defebcea-1cb8-4545-9730-4293450e3a92
Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Next week – DIDComm Mediator presentation / discussion
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
Project updates – what’s happening in:
Release 1.2 is official, now the current LTS version
Working on breaking changes for next release - removal of AIP1.0 protocols and moving those protocols into plugins
Expanding on the DID methods
Cheqd.io folks implemented a Cheqd plugin for ACA-Py - registers and resolves DIDs and AnonCreds objects on the Cheqd.io network – compatible with the Credo and Aries VCX implementations of the same functionality.
Discussion: DIDs and their use in SD-JWTs – Char Howland
Open Discussions
Important Links: