Call Time: 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Zoom Link:
https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/96618113800?password=3fb31a65-606d-4765-8f89-ce7c857dc049.us/rec/share/Z7a5SSRx-tsv_mzWhLcAJt3eBptGm3dBrhwhPScDDFcpIhRNsbbSF_i7TC6JKKE0.7iA53-n2DuRAZ2Hg (corrected link)
Call Recording:
To Be Added(TBD)
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
did:webvh AnonCreds Method – full flow (ACA-Py to ACA-Py) using did:webvh server and attested resources, with revocation, after load testing via Akrida. Demo video from Patrick St-Louis
Other did:webvh updates
Another introduction to / details presentation was recorded yesterday at the WI-SIG.
V1.0 very close – but looks like we will add the concept of “Watchers” to the spec.
ACA-Py Updates:
Volunteer needed: Testing the merging of the AIP 1.0 removal (Issue Credential v1 and Present Proof v1 protocols) PR and the adding of the corresponding plugins, including the Agent Test Harness (should be just adding in the plugins via startup parameters).
Issue #3546 – Revocation Accumulator out of sync
Issue #3540 - did:sov public did and creating an AnonCreds schema
Issue #3536 - Unable to Retrieve Invitation Object After Creation
Issue #3509 about moving to Loguru for logging.
Plugins to mention/discuss:
Hedera AnonCreds
OpenID DCQL Support
AIP 1 – Connections, Issue Credentials v1 and Present Proof v1 – plugins for backwards compatibility when removed from ACA-Py
Open Discussion
ACA-Py NEWS? The OWF Newsletter goes out on the third Thursday of each month (in 2 days). If there is ACA-Py news, please send a note to community-architects@openwallet.foundation
Unable to Retrieve Invitation Object After Creation
Unable to Retrieve Invitation Object After Creation
Unable to Retrieve Invitation Object After Creation
Unable to Retrieve Invitation Object After Creation
Upcoming Meeting Topics: