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Proposed Planned Topics: Office Hours – open discussion on what’s happening in OWLProject updates, did:webvh test suite proposal, extending interop testing towards W3C Cryptosuites, office hours trial |
Call Time: Thursdays at 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Zoom Link:
Call Recording:
Welcome and Introductions
For new attendees - Who you are, and what your interest is in OATH and/or OMTH and/or Akrida.
Sheldon Regular (BC Gov / Shel2C Ventures Inc.) <sheldon.regular@gmail.com>
Meeting Information and Notes now moved to OWF - https://lf-openwallet-foundation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OWL/pages/60096539/OWL+Test+Harness+Users+Group
We will no longer be posting on Hyperledger pages.
Call for extra agenda items/topics
Outcomes from last OTHUG Meeting
Verified admins and maintainers across the project and for specific repos in the project.
Notable recent enhancements to OWL projects (In Progress/Accomplishments/Recently Closed)
OATH - https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/owl-agent-test-harness
Complete - Update manage to stop on agent failure
In Progress - Credo Backchannel Updates - OOB and DID Exchange, Qualified Peer DID Tests. - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/issues/696
ACA-Py agents not starting – not sure the reason.
OWL MWTH - https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/owl-mobile-wallet-test-harness
Complete -
In Progress -
OWL Akrida - https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/owl-akrida
Complete - AFJ port to Credo - https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/owl-akrida/pull/76
In Progress - AIP 2.0 Protocols - PR available.
New credential types. Merged in Next. More than Indy.
In-depth Approach Review
Open Discussion / Q&A
Akrida with OWTH? - Send plugin to Kim. - Grizzly https://github.com/Biometria-se/grizzly
Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Updates, and Announcements
Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
Patrick St. Louis
Alex Walker
Project updates (OATH, AMTH, Akrida)
WebVH test-suite proposal -> DID creation/validation + AnonCreds issuance
Add an OATH test case for using did:webvh for AnonCreds
How to create an issuer? How to create the did:webvh resources?
Extend out to Cheqd?
Extend to Credo-TS test case
Extending interop testing towards w3c cryptosuites
Update the JSON-LD tests
Rethink without the DIDComm exchange – use the VC-API test
Change the model to participants run their own agents, add config to Test Harness to call the external agents.
Enable interop testing with different implementations.
Do we build on what exists - conformance and interop together, but hard to do both. This will focus on interop and output reporting. Try to get the reporting more like we have at https://aries-interop.info
Feature driven using BDD
Office hour trial -> helping implementers (acapy)
Advertise much like Benjamin Young at Digital Bazaar does.
A time and place for people to come and ask questions.
Get Sean Bohan to help with organizing this.
Open Discussion
OWL Kanban Board
Work Item Review
Short Term Backlog
New Items
Product Backlog