Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
Ariel Gentile (2060.io) a@2060.io
Project updates – what’s happening in:
Regression triggered an LTS releases that will be out soon
Connections protocol has been removed from “main” and put into a plugin – final testing happening now. Will later follow with v1 Issue Credential, Present Proof.
Askar JavaScript Wallet dependency problem has been fixed – great work by Animo (Berend) – no releasable (w00t!!).
A couple of key Askar changes have been made – that prevent an intermittent start up hang, and the second has resulted in a significant performance improvement in some use cases. There is a release (4.3) with these changes, and there might be a follow up release to that Real Soon Now. Stay tuned, and upgrades will happen in ACA-Py and Credo to the latest Askar.
Moved DIDComm from core to a module – in line with the Credo goal of a slim core with configuration to add just the needed capabilities.
Will also deprecate connections protocol and other AIP 1.0 protocols.
Discussion: OID4VCs Support in ACA-Py and Credo
Credo presentattion and demo: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Kyc1Y3jkkGwhSJ_pL8BIGXJ62ntYhR_Eewh3CMY0-fM
Open Discussions
LFDT Meetup: LFDT is holding a meetup on
What’s new with LFDT
Indy on Besu and EUDI Wallets
Hedera Plugin for ACA-Py.
Details/registration: https://www.linkedin.com/events/lfdtupdate-hyperledgerindyonbes7287569442417360897/
Wallet Interoperability SIG
Sean to promote the SIG with other OWF projects, try to grow attendance and topics