2025-02-13 OWL Test Harness Users Group Meeting
State of OWL Agent Test Harness, Test Suites and How They Work, Open Discussion
Call Time: Thursdays at 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
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To Be Added
Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Updates, and Announcements
@Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
Project updates (OATH, AMTH, Akrida)
Status of OWL Agent Test Harness – recent updates
OWL Akrida Updates
Test Suites and How They Work – a summary
There are lots of tests suites in the world. What are some significant ones, and how do they work. Are there ones we should use or mimic.
Four, no Five, Test Suites:
ISO Test Suites – for mDL, but behind paywalls – not so open source.
W3C Credential Community Group – Test Suites for the VC specifications – normative statements – VC Data Model 2.0 Test Suite
A test suite for each Data Integrity proof cryptosuite – ecdsa, eddsa, BBS
Centralized implementations registry – each implementation has a set of endpoints for doing operations – tag for each test suite per endpoint. E.g. an endpoint for verifying “ecdsa, bbs” if both are covered.
Load the lists of endpoints and send data to it and check the result.
Implementers have to have a running set of endpoints.
Authentication possible, but most are unauthenticated.
Can also have software that hits all combinations of the endpoints.
Adding one for the new CID spec.
Bit String status list
Some work has been done on a VC-JOSE Test Suite – different approach with Docker.
AATH – OATH and Akrida
Container-based test harness
Mostly DIDComm
Runs series of tests for different roles – issuer, holder, verifier
Different from W3C – AATH has a holder, W3C does not.
Tests frameworks, not deployments. Could use deployments, but that’s not what has been done in the past.
Akrida for load testing of “production-like” environments
Currently working on adding did:webvh support in Akrida.
OpenID – e.g. OID4VP - https://github.com/openid/OpenID4VP
DT Lab
Effort to connect a bunch of tests together.
Goal similar to Fides concept – a sandbox that implementers could register and test against others.
Orchestrate testing with other test suites – e.g. W3C Test Suites.
DIDs and VCs, some integration with W3C testing.
Validate a DIDDoc
Integration with AATH
Traceability Test Suite
Similar to the W3C Test Suite Model.
Has an OAuth protected endpoint.
Collection of Postman test scripts.
Traceability does a flow based on the test scripts for each of the registered implementations.
A bit like the AATH with interacting with implementations.
Orchestrating the operations to test interop between the different implementations.
Really good for developing – easy setup
Bring up your implementation
Get the set of postman endpoints
Run the scripts against your implementation.
Other models:
Post a bunch of “test vectors” for a given standard
Developers can verify that their implementation takes common inputs, getting the same outputs.
Thought for how to do a first did:webvh test suite.
Uniresolver is a test tool like that:
You can resolve with your software – compare to what the uniresolver produces.
Brainstorm: Office hour trial -> helping implementers (acapy)
Advertise much like Benjamin Young at Digital Bazaar does.
A time and place for people to come and ask questions.
Get @Sean Bohan to help with organizing this.
Open Discussion
OWL Kanban Board
Work Item Review
Short Term Backlog
New Items
Product Backlog
Next Meeting
Mar 13th 2025 at 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Future Topics
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