Updates in ACA-Py
Open Discussion
Call Time: 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Zoom Link:
Call Recording:
To Be Added
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Wallet Interop SIG: [WISIG] Wallet Interoperability SIG – NOW ON MONDAYS -- 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe (16:00 for next two weeks)
Next Monday: OpenID Federation
Following Week: EUDI Topic – HSM Requirement for High Assurance Credentials
Emiliano Suñé (Quartech Systems Ltd)
ACA-Py documentation:
ACA-Py Plugins:
ACA-Py Updates:
The start up issue with the OATH tests is
notresolved (w00t!!). It was related to the use of the Universal Resolver. Fixed! Thanks to Jamie Hale.The removal of the Connections Protocol from ACA-Py and the creation of the Connections Plugin is complete – all tests previously passing on OATH are now passing again. Great work.
Next up are the AIP 1.0 – Issue Credential v1 and Present Proof v1 protocols.
did:webvh update – full flow, with revocation demonstrated. A spec for the
AnonCreds Method has been published (link to be added).Issue #3509 about moving to Loguru for logging.
Plugins to mention/discuss:
Hedera AnonCreds
OpenID DCQL Support
AIP 1 – Connections, Issue Credentials v1 and Present Proof v1 – plugins for backwards compatibility when removed from ACA-Py
Open Discussion
ACA-Py NEWS? The OWF Newsletter goes out on the third Thursday of each month (in 2 days). If there is ACA-Py news, please send a note to
Upcoming Meeting Topics:
Future Topics:
Action items
Enable major version update recommendations by Dependabot: review open PRs and pick-and-choose which ones could be merged as-is and which ones should be actioned by someone (more as a recommendation to update than as a solution). Project is in a testing state that allows us to move forward with this.
OpenSSF Scorecard:
We are using poetry for dependency management, and it is creating a lockfile. Likely configuration issue for detecting pinned dependencies.
Token permissions will require tokens to be revoked and recreated with the minimum set of permissions required for it to work correctly.
Important Links:
Discord: (Click Accept Invite, check out the #aca-py channel)
Community Calendar: