Zoom Link: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/99827209114?password=0132ac8c-431e-4f7e-afa0-1ffcd489c4ca
Call Recording:
<To Be Added>https://zoom.us/rec/share/pJN4-XJPPDXoB135cnTXv1iF5z8PLWxbT5EmeR_yVox-tPVHOOi0HtUW8C0l2bLS.BlN-szTPfVlP2B4a
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Anonyome adding support for P256k keys
Stephen Curran (BC Gov/Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
Release 1.2.0 Released – new LTS release.
Follow ups on the release complete – need to get announcement out.
Next Release – PRs
Breaking change PRs? VCDM 2.0, dropping AIP 1.0?
Progress on generalizing DID Registration in ACA-Py and new DID Method plugins
Plugin for Cheqd support – compatibility testing with Credo?
No automated testing, but the developers were using both during development.
Also tested with Aries VCX and that works
Daniel Bluhm to offer an approach for adding interop testing that has been used in the past
Plugin for did:webvh in progress – defining how to do AnonCreds support
Ideas for did:webvh
Have the controller only involved with the keys and services in the DIDDoc itself – not the did:webvh specific keys – Authorization keys, pre-rotation keys.
The controller can flag to use pre-rotation, but ACA-Py takes care of the creation of the pre-rotated key.
For first implementation – no DID update(?), no witness support, only a single ACA-Py managed Authorization key, no external pre-rotation key provider.
Once we have that in place, we can consider other features and how best to manage them in ACA-Py / ACA-Py Plugin.
Key references to did:webvh keys reference the full DID URL – <did>?versionId=<ver>#key-ref
Make sure the DID Resolvers support that functionality
Plugin for Universal Resolver
DID Registration PR/Document from Daniel Bluhm#3375
Other Topics for Discussion
Kafka Plugin
Concern – not in active use, and no updates, and locked to an older version of Python.
Do we have a way to flag “archived” plugin?
Document in Readme “Obsolete Plugins” – point to release tag, and delete from repo.
Aries repos – SocketDock – what to do with it? DIDComm Mediator at OWF?
didcomm-socketdock in OpenWallet Foundation.
Other business
OWF New Labs
OID4VC-TS - httpshttps://github.com/openwallet-foundation-labs/oid4vc-ts
OpenID Federation TypeScript https://github.com/openwallet-foundation-labs/openid-federation-ts
OWF Architecture SIG:
Next meeting is Monday Jan 20 at 9amPT/NoonET
Topic: https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/architecture-sig/discussions/71