2025-01-14 ACA-Py Maintainers Meeting
Agenda: Release 1.2.0 Out, LTS Updated, DID Registration, did:webvh Support; Aries Repos?
Call Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 Pacific / 18:00 Central Europe, Calender Link
Zoom Link: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/99827209114?password=0132ac8c-431e-4f7e-afa0-1ffcd489c4ca
Call Recording:
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Anonyome adding support for P256k keys
Stephen Curran (BC Gov/Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
ACA-Py documentation: https://aca-py.org
ACA-Py Plugins: https://plugins.aca-py.org
Release 1.2.0 Released – new LTS release.
Follow ups on the release complete – need to get announcement out.
Next Release – PRs
Breaking change PRs? VCDM 2.0, dropping AIP 1.0?
Progress on generalizing DID Registration in ACA-Py and new DID Method plugins
Plugin for Cheqd support – compatibility testing with Credo?
No automated testing, but the developers were using both during development.
Also tested with Aries VCX and that works
@Daniel Bluhm to offer an approach for adding interop testing that has been used in the past
Plugin for did:webvh in progress – defining how to do AnonCreds support
Ideas for did:webvh
Have the controller only involved with the keys and services in the DIDDoc itself – not the did:webvh specific keys – Authorization keys, pre-rotation keys.
The controller can flag to use pre-rotation, but ACA-Py takes care of the creation of the pre-rotated key.
For first implementation – no DID update(?), no witness support, only a single ACA-Py managed Authorization key, no external pre-rotation key provider.
Once we have that in place, we can consider other features and how best to manage them in ACA-Py / ACA-Py Plugin.
Key references to did:webvh keys reference the full DID URL – <did>?versionId=<ver>#key-ref
Make sure the DID Resolvers support that functionality
Plugin for Universal Resolver
DID Registration PR/Document from @Daniel Bluhm#3375
Other Topics for Discussion
Kafka Plugin
Concern – not in active use, and no updates, and locked to an older version of Python.
Do we have a way to flag “archived” plugin?
Document in Readme “Obsolete Plugins” – point to release tag, and delete from repo.
Aries repos – SocketDock – what to do with it? DIDComm Mediator at OWF?
didcomm-socketdock in OpenWallet Foundation.
Other business
OWF New Labs
OID4VC-TS -https://github.com/openwallet-foundation-labs/oid4vc-ts
OpenID Federation TypeScript https://github.com/openwallet-foundation-labs/openid-federation-ts
OWF Architecture SIG:
Next meeting is Monday Jan 20 at 9amPT/NoonET
Important Links:
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/yjvGPd5FCU (Click Accept Invite, check out the #aca-py channel)
Community Calendar: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/openwalletfoundation