2025-03-13 Meeting notes
Mar 13, 2025
@Ariel Gentile (2060.io) <a@2060.io>
Sean Bohan (OWF Staff) <sbohan@linuxfoundation.org>
@Sai Ranjit (AYANWORKS) <sairanjit.tummalapalli@ayanworks.com>
@Alexander Shenshin (DSR Corporation) <alexander.shenshin@dsr-corporation.com>
@Kim Ebert (Indicio) <kim@indicio.tech>
Open Wallet Foundation Discord: https://discord.gg/openwalletfoundation (#credo)
Credo-ts Docs: https://credo.js.org/
didcomm-mediator-credo: GitHub - openwallet-foundation/didcomm-mediator-credo: An easy to set-up Aries and DIDComm v1 mediator built on Credo.
credo-ts extensions: https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/credo-ts-ext
Bifold Wallet: https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/bifold-wallet
Status Updates
Bifold Wallet
Getting updated to Credo 0.5.13, updates on OpenID4VC and mDOC
Wallet Interoperability SIG
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Askar / Postgres |
| Contributions from Verid.ID ? |
| Architecture SIG: | Sean | Every Monday, 5pm CET, 30 minutes. Next week (3/17) - Portability and Interoperability across Ecosystems ArchSig_73_Portability and Interoperability across Ecosystems |
| Wallet Interoperability SIG | Sean | Meets every Monday. Next week, Mirko Mollik will present: Hardware Security Module Requirement for High Assurance Credentials. Details here: Wallet Interoperability SIG Playlist |
| March Newsletter | Sean | Got Credo news? community-architects@openwallet.foundation |
| Credo AMA | Sean | Scheduling a Credo AMA for June 2025? Sean to start a thread on Discord. |
Action items