2025-03-03 Wallet Interop SIG
Agenda: DID WebVH - Presentation from Stephen Curran
Call Time: 8am PT | 11am ET | 5pm CET
Zoom Link:
Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing
This meeting is being recorded and may be posted you the OWF YouTube.
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Change in time for this meeting starting today – now Mondays at 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Except for the next two weeks, where it will be at 16:00 Central Europe because of time changes
Char Howland
Stephen Curran
Sam Curran
Harm Jan Arendshorst
Sean Bohan
Micah Peltier
Sai Ranjit
Colton Wolkins
Project updates – what’s happening in:
Close on deprecation of AIP 1.0 issue credential and present proof protocols- moving those into plugisn
Once completed, new ACA_py release
Logging updates
did:webvh - using ACA-Py to run through a full AnonCreds VC exchange - issue, present, revoke, verification of revocation
did:webvh support in progress
did:webvh support in progress
New PRs in OWL Akrida support API 2.0 and AnonCreds with did:webvh
Accepted into OWF
Repo transition soon
Presentation/Discussion: DID WebVH - @Stephen Curran – Slides
Open Discussions
IIW (April 8-10 Mountain View)
Who is going? Let’s coordinate on Discord in the #iiw-planning channel on the OWF Discord
Got news? newsletter@openwallet.foundation
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Important Links:
Discord: Join the OpenWallet Foundation Discord Server!
(Click Accept Invite, check out the #wallet-interoperability-sig channel)
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