2025-01-22 Wallet Interop SIG
Agenda: A Credo-based DIDComm Mediator with all the Bells and Whistles
Call Time: “B” Week – 8am PT | 11am ET | 5pm CET
Zoom Link:
“A” Week – when call is at 7AM: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/92188183208?password=defebcea-1cb8-4545-9730-4293450e3a92
“B” Week – when call is at 8AM: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/98275141397?password=70e1e107-b571-4d7e-a227-8a7d4335cade
Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) swcurran@cloudcompass.ca
Project updates – what’s happening in:
Release 1.2.0 out, 1.2.1 is out to fix a newly introduced bug. We do have a good upgrade test now!
New plugins for universal registrar, Cheqd.io (compatible with Credo-TS support), status list, did:webvh, and OID4VC plugin updated.
Set to remove deprecated AIP 1.0 from ACA-Py core and into ACA-Py plugins.
Discussion: A DIDComm Mediator based on Credo – @Jason Leach , @Ajay Jadhav , @Timo Glastra
What is a DIDComm Mediator?
Challenge: Current DIDComm Mediator uses an older DIDComm protocol, does not have scalable Web Socket support, and is based on ACA-Py that is not used by end user Wallet developers – developers that need mediator support.
Building on the Animo, CREDEBL and SocketDock implementations – combined into a new OWF open source repository – didcomm-mediator-credo
Latest DIDComm mediator protocol
Scalable web-socket handling
Persistent queue
Firebase Notifications support
Project roadmap and opportunities to contribute
Open Discussions
Important Links:
Discord: Join the OpenWallet Foundation Discord Server! (Click Accept Invite, check out the #wallet-interoperability-sig channel)
Community Calendar: LFX Meetings