2025-02-19 Wallet Interop SIG
Agenda: Swiss e-ID Technology Stack and Interoperability - presentation from Michel Sahli
Call Time: “B” Week – 8am PT | 11am ET | 5pm CET
Zoom Link:
“A” Week – when call is at 7AM: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/92188183208?password=defebcea-1cb8-4545-9730-4293450e3a92
“B” Week – when call is at 8AM: https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/98275141397?password=70e1e107-b571-4d7e-a227-8a7d4335cade
Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Michel Sahli
Thierry Thevent
Micah Peltier
Nitin Gavhane
Tim Bloomfield
Alexander Loechel
Jose Pumahuanca
Stephen Curran
Darrell O’Donnell
Char Howland
David Alexander
James Ebert
Sai Ranjit
Stavros Kounis
Sean Bohan
Harm Jan Arendshorst
Michal Jarmolkowicz
Project updates – what’s happening in:
Hedera AnonCreds plugin - now available
Deprecated core AIP 1 connections protocol, now a plugin
Next: issue credential and present proof protocols
did webvh work continues
New release
Cleaning up tests
Confirmed to be moving to OWF!
Presentation: Swiss e-ID Technology Stack and Interoperability - presentation from Michel Sahli
Open Discussions
DICE (Mar 4-5 Geneva)
Who is going? Let’s coordinate on Discord in the #dice-planning channel on the OWF Discord
IIW (April 8-10 Mountain View)
Who is going? Let’s coordinate on Discord in the #iiw-planning channel on the OWF Discord
Got news? newsletter@openwallet.foundation
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Important Links:
Discord: Join the OpenWallet Foundation Discord Server!
(Click Accept Invite, check out the #wallet-interoperability-sig channel)
Community Calendar: LFX Meetings