2025-03-24 Wallet Interop SIG

2025-03-24 Wallet Interop SIG

Agenda: Brainstorming what we want to cover in WI-SIG sessions, including OWF Projects

Call Time: 8am PT | 11am ET | 4pm CET

Zoom Link:


Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript

Slides: WI-SIG Project Presentations - Brainstorming a new class of WI-SIG Topics

Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/CUFvTX-CaDtJJDk7r3bbY2h8VcoUtS4sGiq0hE79z_Uh_sq8LTOQMW7Wo4mhAL4Z.XGqC8Vo8ycF59OYx

YouTube: To Be Added

This meeting is being recorded and may be posted you the OWF YouTube.

Welcome, Introductions and Announcements

  • Tomorrow! AnonCreds v2 webinar: BBS signatures supported - register here:

  • Py-Dentity Project accepted by OWF TAC as an new OWF Labs project.

    • ACA-Py Cloud-based mobile wallets.

  • NEXT MONDAY 3/31, the Wallet Interoperability SIG will be joined by Kim Ebert who will join us for a discussion on OWL Akrida. This meeting will be at 8amPT / 11amET / 17:00pm CET (due to the time change in Europe)




Important Links:

Discord: Join the OpenWallet Foundation Discord Server!
(Click Accept Invite, check out the #wallet-interoperability-sig channel)

Community Calendar: LFX Meetings

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