2025-03-24 Wallet Interop SIG
Agenda: Brainstorming what we want to cover in WI-SIG sessions, including OWF Projects
Call Time: 8am PT | 11am ET | 4pm CET
Zoom Link:
Call Recording: Recording of Meeting / Transcript
Slides: WI-SIG Project Presentations - Brainstorming a new class of WI-SIG Topics
YouTube: To Be Added
This meeting is being recorded and may be posted you the OWF YouTube.
Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Tomorrow! AnonCreds v2 webinar: BBS signatures supported - register here:
Py-Dentity Project accepted by OWF TAC as an new OWF Labs project.
ACA-Py Cloud-based mobile wallets.
NEXT MONDAY 3/31, the Wallet Interoperability SIG will be joined by Kim Ebert who will join us for a discussion on OWL Akrida. This meeting will be at 8amPT / 11amET / 17:00pm CET (due to the time change in Europe)
Project updates – what’s happening in:
Removal of connections protocol from core to plugin
Lots of work on OpenID4VCs – bringing the implementation up to the last specification versions.
deprecating the VCX Indy VDR proxy build image, as we don't believe it's in use, and even if it is being used, that should actually be generated within the Indy VDR repo instead.
working on the 2025 roadmap, including some organising work to get some of our crates into a ready-to-publish state (and then we will come begging for help with crates.io publishing
Presentation/Discussion: A Look at the WI-SIG and What We Want To Talk About
Open Discussions
IIW (April 8-10 Mountain View)
Who is going? Let’s coordinate on Discord in the #iiw-planning channel on the OWF Discord
OWF Wallet Interoperability SIG Playlist:
OWF Architecture SIG: Mondays at 9amPT/Noon ET (right after this meeting)
Important Links:
Discord: Join the OpenWallet Foundation Discord Server!
(Click Accept Invite, check out the #wallet-interoperability-sig channel)
Community Calendar: LFX Meetings