2025-02-25 Users Group
25 Feb 2025
Code of Conduct
The OpenWallet Foundation is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the
Welcome and Introductions
Take the opportunity to introduce yourself or organization. Let the community know what interest you have in the Bifold effort.
@Jason Leach <jason.leach@fullboar.ca>
Sean Bohan (OWF Staff)
Mostafa Youssef (Ontario)
@Alexander Shenshin <alexander.shenshin@dsr-corporation.com>
Topics & Discussion
React Native 0.73.6 upgrade
Ready to review, need some packages to be updated such as RN Keychain
Some imports are causing problems
See comments in PR.
Big benefits start at 0.78.x, should we start here? We would need to disable the new architecture.
Credo 0.5.13 upgrade
See PR #1454
Two patches do not apply and need to be updated
Credo 0.6.x big changes
DIDComm moving from core to a package.
Thoughts on moving the project to PNPM to alight with Credo-TS?
Translation files, can we import them as JSON
Seems like a good idea, someone to experiment and see how well it works.
Jason to move the “app” to “samples/app” for now
Before the end of Feb.
Jason to create a ticket to track moving “core” to the top level of the “packages” and renaming “App” to “src” as part of project housekeeping.
Ask UI/UX teams if it would be ok to show a popup or modal on Android instructing users what to do rather than taking them to the wrong place.
Jason to tackle publishing a proper Bifold 1.0.0 release, integrating with CICD like Credo-TS, and moving the pages from the Hyperledger namespace to something more OWF like @bifold/core (etc)
Jason to create ticket to see if we can refract card names so the legacy is
and the1.1
to better alight with the RFCConsider refactoring as per #1437 to better support other methods.
Bifold Logo
Sean to share creative brief on Bifold Discord. Once we get the brief agreed to, we get LF Marketing to do a pass on the logo
Bifold in production? Want to talk about it in a blog post? Email: community-architects@openwallet.foundation
Bifold AMA (Ask Me Anything)
1-1.5 hour “whats’s new with Bifold” session, recorded and shared on YouTube.
We would like to schedule this for late April - Sean to start thread on Discord
OWF Monthly Newsletter
Sent on the 3rd Thursday every month
We WANT Bifold news: send an email to newsletter@openwallet.foundation
Please subscribe: https://openwallet.foundation/newsletter/
OWF Wallet Interoperability SIG
Weds 2/26 - Patrick St. Louis presents Test-suites deep dive: An overview of the evolving interoperability and conformance landscape for digital identity
Details: 2025-02-26 Wallet Interop SIG
Last week, Michel Sahil presented Swiss e-ID Technology
Stack and Interoperability.Details & recording here: 2025-02-19 Wallet Interop SIG
Wallet Interop SIG is moving to Mondays at 8am PT / 11am ET / 5pm CET STARTING Monday 3/3.
This will be ONE meeting at the same time every week, sessions will be recorded and shared.
OWF Architecture SIG
The Architecture SIG meets every week on Mondays from 9-9:30amPT, 12-12:30pm ET 6-6:30CET
New Chairs: Tracy Kuhrt, David Alexander
The chairs would love to see participation from those who are able to make it and are working on agendas for future meetings (see the Discord!)
Action items